semester 1 reflection

  I didn't really finish an assignment on time except for the space transfiguration. My images were always in the correct resolution and format. My first idea was usually the best idea for me. Although i didn't except the 3 doors project, so be nominated as one of the better photos to be put in the hallway.

  I never really put too much time into taking a picture (not a good thing), and in result got only 4 to 5 pictures when i should have had at least 20 pictures. i did however put time into the way i took my pictures and took into account things like depth and angle.  Seeing other students work is always cool because of their perception of the project and how they decided to go about using their ideas to make art. and seeing how different it is to us.

  Being to class in time isn't an issue. if i'm not working on this class's work then i'm working on my others class work such as history and math.

  Being more fluent in photoshop would be nice to have so i don't have to ask 20 times how to do something. I like the way i take pictures now, and don't want to really change that. Taking more pictures is something i will have to work on between now and finals.

  I'll have to take this class a little more seriously, having an f isn't the best thing to see. The work really isn't that hard just turning it in and working on it on photoshop. Not sleeping so much in the class is also something i can improve.

  I didn't really have a suggestion to do a project. i still have hardly any idea what I'm doing when it comes to dealing with emotions in pictures, like capturing a scene and having it depict a certain emotion.


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