What art? 1

1. The models seem to be in a serious situation. No smiles, giving off a tense mood. The first model isn't looking at the painter, but in fact looking to the left of the photo, again no smile, curved jawline, white highlights on her face, arms, and neck giving off a light source from behind the painter. She is wearing mostly blue with a red charm necklace. The blue might symbolize sadness with help from her blank face. the second model is looking right at the painter, with a slightly open mouth showing the 2 front teeth on the top row. She is posing for something, but her shoulders are slightly hunched, and her scapula is prominent.

2. These photos were definitely painted with oil paint. You can see the brush strokes very well. The artist spend time purposefully putting in the colors and strokes, in such a way to capture the gaze.

3. Color plays a big role in painting or photography. Every artist adds detail to a painting for a reason, wether it controls the emotion or not. The blue in the first models shirt, hair band, and hair tie might symbolize sadness but both models have a red background which could represent anger, or maybe deep thought.

4. I think the author conveyed the emotions well in the paintings. I could very well feel indifference in the paintings. 


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