
Taxes on art

  Art allows students to create new ideas, be creative, and express emotions through paintings, drawings, or even music. High school should be a place to find out what you like doing in life, not just the work force. Tax money should be given to both core classes and art classes including.

daily dozen (blue)


Daily Dozen (red)


cubism project


What art? 1

1. The models seem to be in a serious situation. No smiles, giving off a tense mood. The first model isn't looking at the painter, but in fact looking to the left of the photo, again no smile, curved jawline, white highlights on her face, arms, and neck giving off a light source from behind the painter. She is wearing mostly blue with a red charm necklace. The blue might symbolize sadness with help from her blank face. the second model is looking right at the painter, with a slightly open mouth showing the 2 front teeth on the top row. She is posing for something, but her shoulders are slightly hunched, and her scapula is prominent. 2. These photos were definitely painted with oil paint. You can see the brush strokes very well. The artist spend time purposefully putting in the colors and strokes, in such a way to capture the gaze. 3. Color plays a big role in painting or photography. Every artist adds detail to a painting for a reason, wether it controls the emotion or not. The

cubism response

1. The amount of photos taken is about 14, they are all layered on top of eachother but some are very well blended, making it hard to distinguish if it's a separate photo. 2. There is different shading on some of the same plains. So no, they were not taken at the same time. 3. yes, some of the photos are very grainy, while other photos are very clear and there is no blur to it. some things appear out of focus, however the object next to them is precise, and you can identify it immediately. 4. No other considerations for the picture.